Grumpy Girl Stomp | The Detore
finally, there is a name of a walk that I take on most days

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Written By: Our Editors
/ July 26, 2023

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Grumpy Girl Stomp is blowing up on TikTok with over eight million views! I mean, I’m all for dressing cute and feeling confident, but some days, I just want to go for a walk to shake off that bad mood or complete my step goals. Do I care to put on a different outfit for it? Not really.

Thanks to influencer Madi Wood on TikTok, there’s now a legit name for it – the grumpy girl stomp! The whole concept is to “stomp” around in nature, soak in all the goodness of greenery, and let it help you process whatever’s been bugging you. Madi Says “It’s when you go for a hot girl walk but you’re grumpy, and you’re just getting your steps in and fresh air cause you know it’s good for your sanity even though you don’t want to,”.

Wait, what is the hot girl walk?

Mia Lind, the TikTok content creator and creator of the Hot Girl Walk told CBS “The Hot Girl Walk is a four-mile outdoor walk where you can only think about three things: things you’re grateful for, your goals and how you want to achieve them and how hot you are.” Basically, the Hot Girl Walk is every multitasker’s dream! It’s the perfect way to get your daily steps in while enjoying some vitamin D in a matching activewear set, jamming to a mood-boosting playlist, catching up on podcasts, chatting with a friend, or even taking a break from work-from-home. This low-impact activity is not just about fitness, but also about improving your mental health, spending quality time with yourself, and reconnecting with the world around you.

But, captions from Wood like “Not on a hot girl walk but a grumpy girl stomp because I’m bloated, the gym was too crowded, I spilled my water all over the bench press and one of my AirPods is dead” have been catching people’s attention, making it sound all-too-real.

Be it Hot Girl Walk or a Grumpy Girl Stomp or a Rich Mom Walk (where you throw a cardigan over your shoulders and strut around town like you’ve just aced a private tennis sesh with a good ol’ latte in your hand), walking provides lot of physical and mental health benefits, but how beneficial is walking on it’s own?

Is walking enough to stay fit?

Nikki Pebbles, a NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist, a Lead Performance Coach at Google and the owner of the virtual fitness studio, Rock Your Body, who has been in this industry for 12+ years, shares, “Walking can be a great form of exercise and can contribute to overall fitness. Regular walking can improve cardiovascular health and strengthen muscles. Walking is a fantastic low-impact exercise that can significantly benefit your health.”

In fact, numerous experts strongly advocate that walking is the ultimate exercise and should take precedence over going to the gym or engaging in intense HIIT sessions. Celebrity trainer Harley Pasternak shared his wisdom on The Blonde Files, saying that if you only strictly have 40 minutes a day for fitness, focus on walking instead of going to the gym. According to him, “Sleep and food come first, then walking, and then resistance training” when it comes to achieving any health goal.

How to gradually upgrade your walk? 

Nikki explains that to upgrade your walking routine and make it more challenging gradually, you can try the following:

  • Increase distance: Gradually increase the distance you walk each day or week. Start with a comfortable distance and add a few extra minutes or kilometres each time.
  •  Pick up the pace: Incorporate intervals of faster walking or brisk walking. It can elevate your heart rate and make the workout more intense.
  •  Add inclines: If possible, walk on hilly terrains or use a treadmill with incline settings to work different muscles and make the walk more challenging.
  •  Wear a weighted backpack: Carrying a weighted backpack can add resistance and make your walk more strenuous, helping to build strength. Ensure adding no more than 5-10% of your body weight.
  •  Use walking poles: Nordic walking poles can engage your upper body muscles and increase the intensity of your walk.

ACE-certified coaches also recommend several ways to enhance your regular walk, such as varying speed with intervals of slow, moderate, and brisk walking to maximize calorie burn, trying sideways movements like side steps, shuffles, or grapevine steps to improve balance and enhance coordination, walking backwards to activate different muscles, including hops or jumps to develop single-leg strength, lengthening strides, and trying water walking for added resistance. These techniques make your walk more challenging and effective.

Consider this alongside walking to stay healthy

Nikki shares that “an important factor to consider alongside walking to stay healthy is adequate rest and recovery. While walking is a low-impact exercise, it still puts stress on your body, especially if you gradually increase the intensity or duration of your walks.” If you’re doing moderate or vigorous aerobic activity, rest days are crucial for allowing your body to recover properly. It’s generally advised to take a rest day every three to five days. For those engaging in vigorous cardio, more frequent rest days and active recovery days are highly recommended. An active recovery day, as per the National Academy of Sports Medicine, can involve foam rolling exercises for your legs or gentle stretches to open up your chest, shoulders, and side body.

After a good walk, fueling up with healthy, nutrient-rich food is also a must! To help your muscle tissue repair and get stronger, skip those processed, sugary treats, and instead, load up on nourishing options like leafy greens and lean protein. Chicken, fish, or even a post-workout protein shake can be fantastic choices to refuel and recover. Your body will thank you for giving it the right fuel to bounce back stronger!

How I fit walking into my routine

Regular exercise works best for me when I don’t force myself into a strict schedule. I know some folks thrive on routines, but I need that flexibility to fit in a workout whenever I can, depending on how the day rolls out. Trying to stick to a set plan can burn me out, and when I miss a day, it feels like a big letdown. So, instead, I go with the flow. Sometimes I’ll get up early and walk before work; other days, I’ll take a break from WFH and stroll around during the day, and sunset walks are totally underrated! I listen to my body; when stress and anxiety hit, I know it’s time for a walk. And when it’s raining or freezing outside, I just hop on the treadmill indoors. It’s give me the perfect opportunity to challenge myself with various incline levels and try out some interval workouts.

Why it works?

Even though some people might stereotype walking as something for old ladies in walking clubs, it is a fantastic stress-buster that boosts my energy and lifts my mood. I especially love the alone time during my walks. It’s a sacred moment to ponder big decisions, unwind, practice gratitude, and set positive intentions for myself.

When I spoke to a friend, who’s a walking enthusiast, indoors or outdoors, she told me that she thinks about the most random stuff during her walks, which helps her de-stress. I guess time just flies when you have so many thoughts and a chance to let them all out. It is a perfect combo of exercise and mental me-time!

Products that have elevated my walks

Nike Women's Stroke Running Shoe
Running Shoes

Buying workout shoes is a big decision because they need to be super comfy and last for years. After much contemplation, I finally took the plunge and got myself these shoes. Nike React sneakers are specifically made for running, reducing the risk of injury and giving you that extra push during workouts.

ODODOS Unisex Mini Belt Bag with Adjustable Strap Small Waist Pouch for Workout Running Traveling Hiking, Black | The Detore
Belt Bag

Belt bags are all the rage, and it’s easy to see why! They can hold everything you need for a long walk without feeling bulky. On top of that, they add a touch of chic-ness to your walking outfit. Stylish and practical—what’s not to love?

 Nike Unisex Everyday Cushion Crew 3 Pair | The Detore | Gym-Girl Essentials
Performance Cushion Socks

White socks. Not only do they add a touch of clean and crisp vibes to your gym ensemble, but they also provide an extra level of comfort and support during your workouts. I love these because they’re cushioned but don’t make my feet sweat

 Quay Australia Nightfall Black/Smoke One Size  | The Detore
Quay Sunglasses

They’re absolutely perfect for walks, and here’s why: They never get tangled in my hair when I put them on my head. And they’re so good at hiding your eyes that they’re perfect for some discreet people-watching!

 Bala Bangles - Set of 2 (1lb & 2lb Each) | Adjustable Wearable Wrist & Ankle Weights | Yoga, Dance, Barre, Pilates, Cardio, Aerobics, Walking  | The Detore
Weighted Bangles

If you’re up for a challenge in your walking workout, ankle weights are the perfect addition that takes it to the next level. Plus, how cute would these look with a monochrome outfit!

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