10 Realistic Fitness Goals To Set This Year (Plus, How to Crush Them)
grabbing these tips faster than my morning coffee

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Written By: Our Editors
/ December 27, 2023

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As we dive into a new year, it’s common to be swept away by the allure of ambitious resolutions. But let’s hit the pause button for a moment. We’ve been down that road—making bold proclamations about hitting the gym daily or committing to radical transformations overnight. Yet, reality often swoops in, reminding us that life is beautifully messy and our goals need to meet us where we are.

So, here’s our take: we’re not here to hype up a drastic transformation in 30 days or a sudden love affair with burpees. Nope. We want you to set fitness goals that mesh seamlessly with your everyday—the kind that says, ‘hey, let’s prioritize feeling good without adding stress to the mix’. Think less grueling workouts and restrictive diets; this is about welcoming the doable. So, wave goodbye to the grandiose and say hello to achievable milestones designed for the girl-on-the-go. Let’s talk about ten realistic fitness goals you’ll actually want to achieve this year.

1. Work on mobility

When the gym feels like a distant planet, consider kickstarting your momentum with a mobility routine. More often than not, it will automatically nudge you toward a workout. If not, consider it your gateway to ensuring pain-free workouts at the gym and seamless movements while tackling daily chores. Mobility exercises are your body’s passport to move seamlessly through every range without strain. Research from the American Council on Exercise validate that enhanced mobility not only amps up workout efficiency but also betters everyday tasks, from lifting to reaching high shelves.

How to achieve it?

When you don’t feel like working out: Commit to a few minutes of mobility exercises to keep your body moving. Most often, this will motivate you to do a full workout.

When you’re in the mood to workout: Incorporate dynamic stretches as a warm-up or cooldown to your routine.

When you’re busy: Utilize breaks or spare moments to perform stretches or mobility drills, like while waiting for coffee or during quick breaks at work.

2. Perfect your form

You might religiously hit the gym or knock out numerous reps, but without proper form, your sweat might not translate into gains (or worse, it could lead to unwanted injuries). Imagine your energy as a finite resource – proper form ensures every bit goes into the right place, elevating your workout’s impact. Plus, nailing good form unlocks a world of athleticism – imagine sprinting faster, jumping higher, and pushing harder.

How to achieve it?

When using weights: Start with lighter weights to master proper form before increasing load. Prioritize controlled movements over heavier weights, ensuring proper alignment and muscle engagement.

Achieving it with self-training: Utilize online resources like reputable fitness channels or apps offering detailed tutorials. Record your workouts to review your form. Focus on cues like body alignment, breathing, and muscle engagement. Additionally, incorporating mirror feedback can assist in self-correction.

If you have options:

  • Utilize Free Personal Training Sessions: Take advantage of any free personal training sessions your gym offers. This provides one-on-one guidance to perfect your form, ensuring exercises are executed correctly and safely.
  • Hang Back After Fitness Classes: Don’t rush out! Hang back after fitness classes to discuss any movements that felt unclear or caused discomfort. Instructors are there to help and can offer personalized tips to refine your form and prevent potential injuries.

3. Try a new workout every month

Sure, having a fitness routine is good; it gives you structure. But sticking to the exact same routine? Not the best move. First, your body adapts to repetition, and for continuous progress, you’ve got to keep challenging yourself. Plus, doing the same thing day in, day out? It’s a fast-track to boredom. A monotonous workout routine equals less motivation to hit the gym. So, switch it up; try new workouts not only to level up but to discover what you enjoy the most. Whether it’s HIIT, strength training, pilates, or a boxing class, exploring new workouts exposes you to different components of fitness too—like balance, endurance, and stamina.

How to achieve it

Introduce Monthly Variance: Switch things up by exploring workouts that differ from your usual routine. If you’re accustomed to weight training at the gym, consider trying a dance class. Alternatively, if you’re a dedicated yogi, dive into a HIIT workout for a change. Explore till you are incorporating all components of fitness into your customized routine.

  • Incorporate Skill-Based Workouts: Explore skill-based activities, like learning new dance moves, practicing martial arts, or trying a rock-climbing session. These not only add variety but also challenge different muscle groups and enhance overall coordination.
  • Blend Cross-Training: To keep up with so much, implement cross-training exercises that target different aspects of fitness. For instance, combine a day of swimming (for endurance) with a day of Pilates (for core strength and flexibility) or a session of cycling (for leg strength and cardiovascular health).

4. Prioritize staying active throughout the day

People who live the longest aren’t just into fitness routines; they lead active lives beyond scheduled workout sessions or ‘rest days’ glued to the couch. We, at The Detore, believe that the ultimate fitness goal is centered on appreciating a less sedentary lifestyle overall. That means not sitting too much and finding ways to move, even outside the gym. Moving more all day can boost your energy and help with things like how you sit and even pain.

How to achieve it?

Incorporate micro-breaks: Break up prolonged sitting by incorporating short, frequent breaks throughout your day. Stand up, stretch, or take a brief walk every hour to re-energize and break the monotony of sitting.

Choose movement over convenience: Infuse movement into your routine by opting for stairs over elevators, choosing to walk short distances, and capitalizing on opportunities to stand while on calls or working. Make every step count, literally.

Plan it out: Plan physical activities into your daily schedule. Whether it’s a brisk morning walk, a post-dinner stroll, or incorporating active chores like gardening or cleaning, these intentional activities ensure continuous movement throughout the day.

5. Give your body the rest it needs

If you’re dedicated to yours fitness goals yet hitting a plateau at the gym, it could be a cue to assess if your body is getting ample rest. Your rest days deserve the same dedication as your workout days. Imagine those cozy evenings curled up with a good book or relishing an extra hour of weekend sleep to motivate yourself to prioritize rest.

How to achieve it?

Prioritize quality sleep: Beauty rest isn’t just a luxury—it’s crucial for both your overall health. Keeping tabs on your sleep hours can offer insights into whether your sleep is restorative or could use a little enhancement. Shoot for the ideal 8-9 hours, but never dip below the seven-hour mark.

Integrate rest days: Let’s affirm it together: Rest days are an absolute must in your fitness routine. They’re pivotal for your body’s repair and growth, preventing burnout and allowing your muscles to recuperate, emerging even stronger.

Try mindful recovery activities: Try activities like meditation, gentle yoga, or leisurely walks. They not only promote mental relaxation but also aid in physical recovery, ensuring your body feels refreshed and ready for the next challenge.

6. Drink water

Hydration is a timeless mantra, and it’s no wonder experts unanimously endorse it. Water serves as the ultimate fuel for every bodily function, an essential component for overall health and your journey to peak fitness. The ideal water intake hinges on individual factors—your lifestyle, activity levels, diet, and distinct body composition all play a role. Aiming for roughly 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids daily provides a helpful guideline, but listen to your body—it knows best.

How to achieve it?

Set reminders and goals: Utilize phone alerts or apps to prompt regular sips and think about setting simple goals like ‘sipping 1-2 water bottles before lunch’ or ‘drinking two glasses first thing in the morning.’

Keep water accessible: Make hydration effortless by having a reusable (and cute!) water bottle within reach at all times. Whether it’s on your desk, in your bag, or nearby at home, easy access encourages continuous sipping.

Add ingredients: Add zesty elements like lemons, refreshing mint, crisp cucumbers, invigorating ginger, or slices of your favorite fruits. Not only will it elevate the nutrient quotient, but it will also transforms the taste (plus, it makes you feel extra fancy).

7. Work on your cardiovascular endurance

I know, the word ‘cardio’ makes you want to run (ironic, isn’t it?). But ask yourself this: Do daily tasks tire you out faster than they should? Can you comfortably maintain brisk activities like walking or cycling without feeling overly tired? Enter cardio: the superhero of workouts. Cardiovascular exercise is the secret weapon to boost heart health, overall fitness, and a well-rounded lifestyle. Engaging in regular cardio activities gets that heart pumping, improving its endurance and efficiency. From a casual stroll to a challenging swim, cardio workouts build stamina and help us go the extra mile in our everyday activities.

How to achieve it?

Consistent cardio sessions: Dedicate time to regular cardio exercises (in moderately intensity) like running, cycling, swimming, or brisk walking for at least 30 minutes on most days. Consistency is key to gradually enhancing endurance levels and achieving your fitness goals.

Interval training: Spice up your routine with interval training. Mix high-intensity bursts with lower-intensity recovery phases during your workouts. This method effectively boosts endurance and keeps workouts engaging.

Progressively overload: Keep challenging yourself by gradually upping the ante. Increase the duration, intensity, or frequency of your cardio workouts over time. This progressive approach helps enhance cardiovascular endurance steadily.

8. Get your nutrition right

Eating should be an act of self-love. You’ve probably heard the saying ‘you are what you eat.’ It’s not just a cliché; your food choices directly impact your body’s functions. Rather than categorizing foods as ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ focus on nourishing your body with what truly fuels its vitality. Striking a balance between nourishment and enjoyment is a key facet of holistic wellness. Educate yourself about the foods you eat. It can offer multifaceted benefits—whether you’re focused on building muscle, addressing skin, hair, or digestion concerns, or striving for a more pain-free lifestyle. Being informed enables you to make intentional choices.

How to achieve it?

Balanced meals: Prioritize balanced meals rich in whole foods, incorporating a mix of lean proteins, healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, and plenty of fruits and vegetables for essential nutrients.

Mindful eating: Practice mindful eating habits, paying attention to portion sizes, eating slowly, and listening to your body’s hunger and fullness cues to prevent overeating.

9. Don’t forget to stretch

Often, we overlook stretching, especially amidst sedentary lifestyles or rigorous workouts, leaving ourselves more prone to injuries and muscle strain. Let’s make one thing clear: stretching and mobility aren’t one and the same. Stretching refers to your muscles’ range of motion, while mobility encompasses how freely you can move those muscles in various directions and positions. Incorporating stretching into a routine improves flexibility, reduces muscle tightness, and promotes a greater sense of physical well-being (better posture, better muscle coordination). While warm-ups and post-exercise stretches are vital for engaged muscles, infusing stretches throughout your day is essential for holistic body health.

How to achieve it?

  • Post-workout stretches: Integrate stretching into your post-exercise routine. Incorporating static stretches during the cool-down helps relax muscles and prevents post-exercise stiffness.
  • Stretch breaks: Take short breaks during work (or Netflix marathon) hours to stretch. Simple neck, shoulder, and back stretches can alleviate tension built up from prolonged sitting.
  • Evening Unwind Stretch: Wind down your day with a relaxing stretching session. Focus on deeper stretches targeting areas of tension to ease muscles and promote better sleep.

10. Show your body some love

The more you believe in yourself, the likelier you are to achieve your goals for the right reasons. Criticizing yourself or feeling discouraged by slow progress might create an undeserved sense of failure instead of boosting motivation. Take a moment in front of the mirror and give yourself a genuine compliment. Seek the positives within yourself, appreciating your beauty for countless reasons beyond appearance. Gradually, you’ll internalize this belief. Ultimately, the key to reaching any goal lies in acknowledging that you already possess the fundamentals to become your best self in this very moment.

How to achieve it?

Practice Mindful Reflection: Acknowledge and appreciate the small victories or moments when your body served you well, whether it’s feeling strong after a workout or simply being able to walk.

Start a Gratitude Journal: Jot down notes expressing gratitude for your body’s abilities, strength, or resilience. Write about what your body allows you to do and achieve.

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